Serbian European Intergration Office as a National Authority (NA) cooperates in joint programming, management and implementation of the programme and will take all necessary measures to provide assistance to the MA, CA and AA in their respective duties, mainly through:
- participating in joint programming and generation of operations in accordance with the programme objectives;
- nominating Serbian representatives in the Joint Monitoring Committee;
- participating in preparation of job descriptions and in the selection of the experts in the JTS (Main and Branch);
- organizing a selection procedure for controllers and assessors from Serbian side;
- nominating representative(s) in the group of auditors;
- being responsible for development of guidelines for specific national control, based on the program level guidelines, approved by JMC;
- signing on behalf of the Republic of Serbia the bilateral Memorandum of Understanding;
- contributing on behalf of the Serbian side to the programme modification if necessary;
- supporting dissemination of information about the programme, implementing national level publicity actions;
- ensuring national co-financing according to the approved allocation of funds;
- ensuring access to information of Managing Authority, Certifying Authority and Audit Authority in order to fulfill their respective tasks.