Projects funded

Development of small scale sport and recreation infrastructure in the Montana-Pirot cross-border region

Project ID: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1-092
Project title: Development of small scale sport and recreation infrastructure in the Montana-Pirot cross-border region
Call: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1
Priority axis: Priority Axis 1
Action: 1.1 Physical and information infrastructure
Budget: 424010.91 €
EU co-financing: 360409.28 €
Start date: 19.08.2011
End date: 19.02.2013
Status: In implementation
Description: By implementing the proposed project we will offer the young citizens of Pirot and Montana municipalities 6 facilities for outdoor activities. This will contribute to kids' health improvement, what is essential for their productivity, learning capacity, and school achievements. By involvement of children in organizing the planned tournaments and maintaining the facilities we will encourage them to be more responsible in preserving the sport infrastructure. Through promotion and presentations in local schools, meetings with famous local sportsmen, introduction of scouts' leaders and contacts with existing sport clubs we will support the kids to leave off the sedentary way of living and to find more reasons to spend time in training and communication. Meetings and tournaments between sport clubs and the workshops for coaches will help them to gain more knowledge in a specific field, based on the needs, and will give them a chance to exchange experience and best practices. The legal analysis and handbooks development will be also essential for the success of the project because it will indicate the obstacles and will provide information on the newest official practices, regulations and requirements for stimulating sport interests, extracurricular activities, organizing events and tournaments and etc.


  • Municipality of MontanaBulgaria, Montana