Projects funded

Rediscovery: Journalist View-Points towards the Cultural and Historical Heritage and Natural Landmarks of the South Cross-Border Region of Bulgaria and Serbia

Project ID: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-108
Acronym: REDISCOVERY: Journalist viewpoints
Project title: Rediscovery: Journalist View-Points towards the Cultural and Historical Heritage and Natural Landmarks of the South Cross-Border Region of Bulgaria and Serbia
Call: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2
Priority axis: Priority Axis 2
Action: 2.3 People to people actions
Budget: 83659.05 €
EU co-financing: 71110.19 €
Start date: 22.04.2013
End date: 22.04.2014
Status: In implementation
Description: The local journalists will report about their trips on the ground in cross-border area and will trigger the interest of their audience for mutual cross-border human contacts and initiatives. The project will create a working network of local journalists who will operate as direct mediators of positive messages and calls for cross-border communication. The web-site in Bulgarian, Serbian and English version will play a key role. The visiting photo exhibition will be presented in Bulgaria and Serbia and will promote the concept for mutual understanding.


  • Journalist Association Balkan Forum Bulgaria, Sofia region