CCI 2007CB16IPO006

Example of Tender dossier for service

06.10.14 | Home

Example of Tender dossier for service

document_bgrs.gifAs a result of the mistakes and omissions identified by the Managing Authority in the process of verification of single tender procedures for service, the Joint Technical Secretariat elaborated an example of a tender dossier.

This dossier is not obligatory to be used, but it will help the beneficiaries when drafting tender documentation.

In addition, the following deficiencies related to single tender procedures performed by the Bulgarian partners (but applicable to all partners) have been identified by the first level of controllers, Managing Authority and second level of control (Audit Authority):

Such infringement of the tender evaluation and contract award procedure shall be ground for imposing financial correction. The beneficiaries should pay close attention to both definitions of the selection and award criteria and other requirements at the stage of preparation of the tender documentation as well as assessment of the tender for compliance with these requirements and criteria.

According to the PRAG for single tender procedures the beneficiaries should use Negotiation report for single tender procedures (PRAG annex a10b). The beneficiaries should justify criteria, rationale and means used for selecting potential participants. This information is important for checking compliance of your tenders with the public procurement principles. Please, take into consideration that activity of the invited firm/s should correspond to the tasks to be assigned, and it should have necessary capacity to implement these tasks.

rar.gifTender_dossier_single_tender.rar (493.76 KB)