Projects funded

Maintaining Sustainable Cultural Identity of the Bulgarians in the Trans-boundary Region of Republic of Serbia by Optimization of the Functional Network for Education in Bulgarian Language

Project ID: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-176
Acronym: MISSION
Project title: Maintaining Sustainable Cultural Identity of the Bulgarians in the Trans-boundary Region of Republic of Serbia by Optimization of the Functional Network for Education in Bulgarian Language
Call: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2
Priority axis: Priority Axis 2
Action: 2.1 Links and networking on institutional, business and educational levels
Budget: 112076.26 €
EU co-financing: 95264.82 €
Start date: 01.11.2013
End date: 01.11.2014
Status: In implementation
Description: Creation of sustainable cooperation network for the Bulgarian community in Republic of Serbia with institutions, experts and teachers from Republic of Bulgaria, aiming at the optimization of the accredited programmes base, educational books and didactic material, consistent with the legal requirements of Republic of Serbia.


  • National Council of the Bulgarian National MinoritySerbia, Pirot