CCI 2007CB16IPO006

Cancelation notice for Lot 3 under the tender procedure "Ex-ante evaluation and SEA of the IPA Cross-border cooperation Programmes managed by Republic of Bulgaria (2014-2020)"

09.04.14 | Тендери



Ex-ante evaluation and SEA of IPA Cross-border cooperation Programmes managed by the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2014-2020

Lot 3: Ex-ante evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Bulgaria – Turkey IPA Cross-border cooperation Programme (2014 - 2020)

1.       Publication reference

Lot 3: 2007CB16IPO008– TA – 2014-1

2.       Date of publication


3.       Programme title

Instrument for pre-accession assistance IPA

4.       Contracting authority

Directorate General “Territorial Cooperation Management” at the Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Bulgaria, in its capacity of Managing authority IPA Cross-border cooperation programmes managed by the Republic of Bulgaria 2007-2013

5.       Reason for cancellation

The tender procedure has been unsuccessful as no qualitatively worthwhile tender has been received.