CCI 2007CB16IPO006

07.01.14 | Тендери

Public tender

Contract title: Execution of works on the site “Reconstruction of the city stadium in Rila”

Location – Region of Kuystendil,  Municipality of Rila, Republic of Bulgaria.

Publication reference: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-171-1.

Procedure: Local Open Procedure

Programme: IPA  Cross- Border Programme Bulgaria-Serbia  CCI Number 2007CB16IPO006

Contracting Authority:   Municipality of Rila, Region of Kuystendil, The town of Rila 2630, 1 “Vazrajdane” sq.

Short description: The old stands (tribunes) will be destroyed and new ones will be constructed of reinforced concrete with metal railing and PVC seats. All passages for the public from the entrance to the stands are designed to be filled with pavement tiles restricted with concrete curbs. To ensure access for fire trucks, ambulances and other vehicles to the stadium there will be provided installation of reinforced concrete pavement. The grass will be renovated. The tracks will be reconstructed and a new layer with ceramic tiles will be filled up. There are provisions for construction of new stands and a new steel picket fence with chain link fence with PVC coating. Irrigation system and Sewerage and drainage system will be reconstructed.

Full tender documentation can be found here.