Финансирани пројекти

MORE SYNergy between Higher and Secondary EDUcation in Informatics, Computing and Electrotechnics

ID пројекта: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-014
Име пројекта: MORE SYNergy between Higher and Secondary EDUcation in Informatics, Computing and Electrotechnics
Позив: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2
Приоритет: Приоритетна оса 2: Унапређење капацитета за заједничко планирање, решавање проблема и развој
Мера: 2.1 Јачање повезивања и сарадње у области развоја институција, пословања и образовања
Буџет: 170453.97 €
Финансирање од стране Европске уније: 144885.87 €
Почетак пројекта: 21.01.2013
Завршетак пројекта: 21.01.2014
Статус: Имплементација
Опис: Within the frame of this project we will develop courses for informatics teachers with aim to innovate their knowledge and make them competent for new technologies. In order to do that we will establish Web based platform for e-learning as a basis for life-long learning. At the beginning e-learning experts from both Faculties will formulate a theoretical framework for guiding the design of instruction and learning in the context of training courses. This framework will be in line with the need for combining face-to-face with ICT-based delivery approaches and will be based on the blended instructional paradigm. Proposed approach to continuous education is based on contemporary methods of teaching and learning, new information technologies, and development of professional cooperation and partnership. Information technologies (multimedia and Internet technologies) are important backbone for professional education of teaching staff – as educational tool for informatics teachers, and as platform for exchange of knowledge and ideas. Because of that, teachers should be educated to use modern information technologies and apply them in teaching process. Two most important activities in our project are important for upgrading and acceleration of education process of teachers: increasing number of trained teaching staff for informatics, and development of e-learning facilities. Within the frame of the project we will establish closer cooperation between two E-learning Centres. In order to motivate secondary school pupils for Electrotechnics, Informatics and Computer science studies we will organize:
  • Study visit of faculty professors to targeted secondary schools in the region and organization of popular lectures.
  • "Open Day" at both partner faculties for pupils attending final year of secondary school - number of pupils per faculty is app. 200.
  • Three level competitions for pupils (level of school, region and interregional - international) - expected number of contestants is app. 150.


  • Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of NisСрбија, Ниш