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Списак партнера

  • dusan sencanski

    16 November 2009
    CATENA MUNDI 4x4 is the caravan of vehicles driving along the uncategorized roads/off roads in the South-east of Serbia, (districts of Nis, Jablanica, Pcinja, Pirot) and Western Bulgaria (districts of Kyustendil and Pernik) directing its tacks towards the archeologically and historical monuments, natural reservations and attractions, ethno events, natural sports polygon, lakes, rivers,mountains and cultural manifestations that are traditionally being taken place in these regions.
    2.1 Јачање повезивања и сарадње у области развоја институција, пословања и образовања, 2.2 Одрживи развој кроз ефикасно коришћење регионалних ресурса, 2.3 Пројекти директне сарадње међу људима
    Regional chamber of economy Nis
    +381 63 8096737
    Our position - Lead partner. Looking for Project partner (municipality or public entity from Bulgaria)