1.1 Физичка и информациона инфраструктура, 1.3 Подршка у припреми пројеката, 2.1 Јачање повезивања и сарадње у области развоја институција, пословања и образовања, 2.2 Одрживи развој кроз ефикасно коришћење регионалних ресурса, 2.3 Пројекти директне сарадње међу људима
град Софија
град Софија
Association Footura
The main objectives and activities of the UNION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SPORT AND SPORTS CULTURE – FOOTURA are the development and promotion of various sports, healthy and active lifestyle – by organizing assistance and support to relevant teams, tournaments and other events for charity, demonstrative or competitive purposes both on national and international levels. All the activities are oriented on grassroots model of practicing sports and we strive to continually attract new people to practice sports and active lifestyle and keep the ideas of Footura organization. FOOTURA also promotes all kind of activities connected with sport and cultural tourism and exchange programs. The association aims at promoting amateur and college sports in order to motivate young people to be active and to see the benefits of healthy lifestyle. We successfully make events and charity tournaments with social meaning, projects with Sofia municipality, Ministry of Education of Bulgaria, Erasmus +, Euromed, etc.