We are interested to participate in projects focusing on one of the following objectives:
- development of entrepreneurship skills, business development services, support to start-up companies, young entrepreneurs;
- creating networks and networking tools, identification, tailoring and exchange of best practices
- local/regional development and research and strategy development/evaluation
2.1 Јачање повезивања и сарадње у области развоја институција, пословања и образовања, 2.2 Одрживи развој кроз ефикасно коришћење регионалних ресурса, 2.3 Пројекти директне сарадње међу људима
град Софија
Center for Transfer of Innovative Practices
A Bulgarian NGO, based in Sofia. Experts with extensive experience in entrepreneurship support, business development services, networking and best practices transfer. Experience in strategic local/regional development; project/programme design and management, etc.