Финансирани пројекти

Promotion of cross-border cooperation through modernization of social infrastructure in the field of sport in the municipalities of Botevgrad and Palilula

ID пројекта: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1-049
Име пројекта: Promotion of cross-border cooperation through modernization of social infrastructure in the field of sport in the municipalities of Botevgrad and Palilula
Позив: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1
Приоритет: Приоритетна оса 1: Подршка развоју малих инфраструктура
Мера: 1.1 Физичка и информациона инфраструктура
Буџет: 408908.61 €
Финансирање од стране Европске уније: 347572.32 €
Почетак пројекта: 19.08.2011
Завршетак пројекта: 19.12.2012
Статус: Имплементација
Опис: The project addresses some of the main problems described above, such as insufficiently developed social infrastructure,outdated equipment,lack of close joint activities and measures for improvement of socio-economic situation in both municipalities and i The improved through the project school sport infrastructure will significantly improve educational conditions in both municipalities and will create base for exchange of good practices in this field.The improved social sport infrastructure in Botevgrad a


  • Municipality of BotevgradБугарска, Софија