Финансирани пројекти

Publicity,Transparency and Partnership-a Basis for Social and Regional Development

ID пројекта: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1-067
Име пројекта: Publicity,Transparency and Partnership-a Basis for Social and Regional Development
Позив: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1
Приоритет: Приоритетна оса 2: Унапређење капацитета за заједничко планирање, решавање проблема и развој
Мера: 2.1 Јачање повезивања и сарадње у области развоја институција, пословања и образовања
Буџет: 161821.71 €
Финансирање од стране Европске уније: 137548.45 €
Почетак пројекта: 19.08.2011
Завршетак пројекта: 19.08.2012
Статус: Имплементација
Опис: The project strategy is to stimulate local administrations activity in the area of transparency, publicity and partnership development through establishing an unique Prize competition. Enhancing their motivation will lead to more efficient management policies and qualified services in their work with the citizens. Promotion of good practices and exchange of experience are encouraged in all project activities as one of the condition for social and regional development. The project aims to improve the communication among the municipalities and the NGO's from both cross-border regions through drawing out of good practices for improvement of the collaboration between the civil sector and local authorities; promotion of institutional and civil links and partnerships and activating institutional capacity for joint planning and acting in both regions.


  • Foundation for Transparent RegulationsБугарска, град Софија