
октобар 2022
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Списак партнера

  • European Integration & Regional Competitiveness (EIRC) Foundation

    Various aspects of development of small-scale infrastructure;
    13 August 2011
    Looking for partners / projects in 2nd Call of Proposals.
    1.1 Физичка и информациона инфраструктура, 1.2 Инфраструктура у области заштите животне средине, 1.3 Подршка у припреми пројеката
    град Софија
    NGO, Contact person: Boyan Kavalov
    EIRC Foundation website - www.eirc-foundation.eu; EIRC highlights: 1. International and diversified team with substantial professional and management experience in a number areas in both abroad and Bulgaria; 2. Significant experience in EU institutions – the EIRC Management consists of three former Project Managers from the European Commission, DG RELEX, DG REGIO and DG JRC; 3. Strong networking contacts – direct contacts with a number of municipalities in Bulgaria (stemming from EIRC title), including in eligible areas, thus we rely on local backing;