Финансирани пројекти

Energy potential of Western Stara planina - a factor for sustainable deveopment of cross border region

ID пројекта: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-242
Име пројекта: Energy potential of Western Stara planina - a factor for sustainable deveopment of cross border region
Позив: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2
Приоритет: Приоритетна оса 2: Унапређење капацитета за заједничко планирање, решавање проблема и развој
Мера: 2.2 Одрживи развој кроз ефикасно коришћење регионалних ресурса
Буџет: 90951.54 €
Финансирање од стране Европске уније: 77308.63 €
Почетак пројекта: 22.04.2013
Завршетак пројекта: 22.04.2014
Статус: Имплементација
Опис: The project strategy was developed before 1 year from the EVI team, with representatives of project partners. It includes the study of literature on "green energy" renewable energy, energy efficiency, climate change in TGR. The knowledge was linked with information from field studies in the region of WSP, which was defined as a zone of influence. This created an informative array enriched with the results of surveys among the target groups on the theme of the project proposal. The next stage of the strategy was the choice of partners in the preparation of the project was established the correctness of this choice. Was made SOWT analysis for thi sproject proposal. In conclusion of our experts, so far throughout TGR Bulgaria-Serbia has not had such a project. The project strategy proposes the elaboration of innovative solutions for the development of modern technologies of RES in CBR WSP. tial of CBR WSP for RES, - Researching the local economy - the possibilities of micro and small entrepreneurs to invest in renewable energy - Building a Data Base – (with Internet platform) that provides access to knowledge, best practices and resources, and assists local businesses in its investment intentions. - Conducting training, consulting and specialized forums on the topic of renewable electricitypotential to generate concrete business projects - Construction of The project proposes the creation of a CBN “Green energy” - network development in time given project sustainability and promoting sustainable economic development of CBR WSP. To implement this strategy provides interrelated activities that are financed by IPA.


  • European Values Institute Бугарска, град Софија