Финансирани пројекти

Tourism Triathlon: Hike & Bike & Canoe from Iron Gate to Golden Horn

ID пројекта: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-109
Акроним: Tourism Triathlon
Име пројекта: Tourism Triathlon: Hike & Bike & Canoe from Iron Gate to Golden Horn
Позив: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2
Приоритет: Приоритетна оса 2: Унапређење капацитета за заједничко планирање, решавање проблема и развој
Мера: 2.2 Одрживи развој кроз ефикасно коришћење регионалних ресурса
Буџет: 155223.27 €
Финансирање од стране Европске уније: 131939.78 €
Почетак пројекта: 04.11.2013
Завршетак пројекта: 04.11.2014
Статус: Имплементација
Опис: In order to meet the needs, overcome the weaknesses and use the strengths, the following activities and groups of activities will be undertaken within the project: 1. Structuring of the new tourism product – Tourism Triathlon: Hike & Bike & Canoe from Iron Gate to Golden Horn The establishment of such an itinerary will diversify the offer and provide new itinerary for potential tourists. 2. Development/small interventions on the tourism infrastructure in the project region in two countries in order to make tourism sites more accessible and attractive and keep the tourists in the region. These activities will enable the tourists passing through Serbia and Bulgaria to stay in the region and experience various contents. It will include mapping the hiking parts and biking detour routes, setting up the tourism signage and labeling them and procurement of the equipment for enhancing tourism offer (bicycles and canoes). 3. Capacity building of local stakeholders The activities in this group largely contribute to the sustainability of the project through raising local capacities to manage and expand the product. Their capacities will be strengthened through theoretical trainings and practical application of skills. 4. Promotion of the joint tourism product These activities will ensure the presentation of the region as a rich destination, underline its cross-border effect, and implicate longer stay of tourists due to the offer of more sites, attractiveness of the region and promotion of the new image of the project area through unified, complementing, high quality marketing materials. 5. Analysing the connection of the new tourism product with other tourism products This activity adds the value to the project and its product raises awareness of possible cooperation and future partners. At the same time, it contributes to the project’s sustainability. 6. Project Management and Coordination Good coordination within the project, guided by the Programme Manager, and including all the team members, will reach the objectives of a well managed and visible project, with good and constructive communication between the partners and with smooth reporting all along the project’s realisation.


  • The Tourism Organisation of Negotin MunicipalityСрбија, Бор