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Списак партнера

  • Business Agency Association-Sofia branch

    Looking for partners for the second call of the CBC Bulgaria-Serbia
    30 November 2011
    Business Agency –Varna is one of the biggest NGO’s in Bulgaria and we are currently running EU projects worth over 1 million USD. We are very interested in submitting a project proposal for the 2011 2-nd Call of Proposals of the Bulgaria-Serbia IPA CBC Programme (deadline 16:00 local time, 20 February 2012). We would like to be a partner organization for Lead Partners from Serbia in both priority axes and we are also preparing a project as a Lead organization.
    1.1 Физичка и информациона инфраструктура, 1.2 Инфраструктура у области заштите животне средине, 1.3 Подршка у припреми пројеката
    град Софија
    Сдружение "Бизнес агенция"
    „Business Agency” Association, established in 2000, is one of the leading non-profit organizations in the North-Eastern region in Bulgaria with head office in Varna and branches in Dobrich, Sofia, Burgas and Razlog. BAA has implemented projects worth more than 1 mln EUR. BA has been involved in more than 60 regional and international projects as a Lead organization and partner funded under PHARE 2002,2003,2004,2005, USAID, Open Society, and most of the Operational programs under the 2007-2013 financial framework. VBA has over 10 years of experience running and managing projects covering a wide range of actions including facilitating the public-private interaction, planning issues, capacity building and knowledge transfer for SMEs, promoting best practices in business support, providing professional and structured support services stimulating the development of the local economy business sectors, entrepreneurship’s initiatives, cluster's initiatives, life-long learning, youth activities, immigrants’ integration, social entrepreneurship, empowering disabled people and cross-border cooperation. Special attention has been paid to the involvement of specific targets - young entrepreneurs, female entrepreneurs and socially sensitive groups including immigrants and refugees. BA works with over 200 partner companies in the sector of real economy and is the initiator and coordinator of two cluster formations - Tourism Cluster Varna and Varna ICT cluster, which unite many companies in the region.