Pirdop Municipality is looking for a partner to participate in an investment project that will include activities such as:
•Reconstruction and renovation of a community centre (chitalishte)
•Exchange of experience and good practices in the area of cutural services
•Exchange of experience and good practices in the organisation of cultural events such as festivals and other
•Organising mutual events aimed at improvement of the cultural services provided to people
•Publicising of the implemented activities, achieved goals and results
1.1 Физичка и информациона инфраструктура, 1.2 Инфраструктура у области заштите животне средине, 1.3 Подршка у припреми пројеката
град Софија
consulting company
+359 (0)2 8412977
Inteladvisers LTD. acts as a representative and on behalf of the Municipality of Pirdop.