Финансирани пројекти

Promotion of cross-border cooperation through development of social sports infrastructure in the municipalities of Pravets and Pirot

ID пројекта: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1-051
Име пројекта: Promotion of cross-border cooperation through development of social sports infrastructure in the municipalities of Pravets and Pirot
Позив: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1
Приоритет: Приоритетна оса 1: Подршка развоју малих инфраструктура
Мера: 1.1 Физичка и информациона инфраструктура
Буџет: 598734.39 €
Финансирање од стране Европске уније: 508924.23 €
Почетак пројекта: 19.08.2011
Завршетак пројекта: 19.02.2013
Статус: Имплементација
Опис: In accordance with the abovementioned aspects and in order to ensure successful project implementation and achievement of deliverables, an integrated strategy will be followed, combining both investment and "soft" measures , which will correspond to the project objectives and results. The project envisages investment activities aimed at modernization of social sport infrastructure in Pravets and Pirot. Non-investment measures represent extension of these investment and comprise common initiatives to increase public awareness of benefits of sports activiites - Development of a Programme for enhancement of the physical education and sport in the two municipalities, as well as planned joint sports events during the programming period. The successful implementation of the strategy will be achieved through the following mechanisms: • Regular meetings of authorities and staff responsible for managing and implementing the project; • Coordination and constant communication between authorities and those responsible for managing and implementing projects and external activities of the individuals; • Monitoring the implementation of activities and deadlines, incl. conducting site controls; • Preparing all necessary reports and financial statements for reporting to the Project Management Authority; • Monitoring of project implementation; • Promotion of project results, observing the rules for publicity; • Involving all relevant stakeholders (sports clubs, NGOs., schools. etc.) in project follow-up activities


  • Municipality of PravetsБугарска, Софија