Финансирани проекти


ID на проекта: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1-102
Покана: 2007CB16IPO006-2009-1
Приоритет: Приоритетна ос 2
Мярка: 2.3 Проекти „От хора за хората”
Бюджет: 51798.60 €
Съ-финансиране от ЕС: 44028.81 €
Начало на проекта: 23.08.2011
Край на проекта: 23.08.2012
Статус: В процес на изпълнение
Описание: The project will provide support in order to foster the development and utilization of cultural and natural potential of the area. In the process of project realization, there will be conditions established for an active and effective exchange participation of the communities from the municipalities targeted in the cross-border co-operation process. The project strategy is based on the establishment of conditions for annual exchange of knowledge and experience in balneolgy field and creation of a Joint Action Plan on region's sustainable development. The project strategy also aims to present cultural and natural heritage of cross-border region via the creation of an attractive tourist product, to preserve and develop traditions in balneology within both municipalities via elaboration of an innovative Joint Action Plan for developing sustainable cultural and balneological tourism, to support for an effective communication, information and promotion of the joint cultural plus balneological tourist product that will attract larger number of tourists and will improve region's business environment. The mixture of cultural and re-creative, mountain tourism will outline a new, sustainable and permanent employment resource. On the project basis, through the organized Cross-border Days of Culture and Balneology, an innovative cross-border tourist product will be created that will turn the municipalities of Varshets and Sokobanja into attractive and desired tourist destinations, while the workshop to create "Cross-border Health Pathway" will have the purpose to set up common cross-border tourist package that will give the opportunity to increase region's employment rate, to establish preconditions for successful social and economic development, to create good neighbourly relations fostering social stability and economic prosperity. The Cross-border Days of Culture and Balneology will provide the opportunity the cross-border area to share its cultural values and knowledge in balneology field while the workshop on the establishment of the joint tourist package Cross-border Health Pathway will create a common tourist product sharing the knowledge on growing medical plants and honey production. Through project activities, common knowledge, natural resources and experiences will be shared and utilized.


  • Non Profit Making Organization "Local Initiative Group - Varshets"България, Монтана