Финансирани проекти

“CLICK” – Climate Change Kick-off

ID на проекта: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-051
Акроним: CLICK
Име на проекта: “CLICK” – Climate Change Kick-off
Покана: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2
Приоритет: Приоритетна ос 2
Мярка: 2.3 Проекти „От хора за хората”
Бюджет: 94155.61 €
Съ-финансиране от ЕС: 80032.26 €
Начало на проекта: 21.01.2013
Край на проекта: 21.01.2014
Статус: В процес на изпълнение
Описание: The problems, addressed by this proposal are connecting with the negative climate change impacts in Districts Zajecar and Vidin. When considering preparedness for response on climate change impacts, in a simplified form we have to think about two main pillars, capacities and competencies which include: awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes answering on WHAT, HOW and WHY is needed to. Strengthening the civil society role in reducing negative climate change impacts on the local level, following adopted national, regional and local strategy documents as well as an EU policies and trends, what is the overall objective of the project, means raising awareness of broad public in this sphere, building capacity of civil society organizations to take an active role in preparation and implementation of adaptation policies and measures and to establish closer cooperation between civil society , business sector and public authorities in this field. The project strategy is as follows:
  • Mapping of current state in the CBC region and producing the first "situation map" (information about vulnerability of the region to climate change impacts and level of preparedness of the local civil society, business sector and public authorities in addressing climate change) will be a milestone for
  • Design and delivery of awareness raising campaign and capacity building programme for CSO, local authorities and business sector in two countries,according to the results achieved trough "Situation map” which will lead to the
  • Raising a knowledge and capacities by representatives of civil society, business and local administration of the CBC region, will be used in elaboration of "Guidelines/recommendations to response to climate change impacts on local level"
  • Final conference with the target group from both countries will be present as a replicable models for active civil society role in reducing negative climate change impacts on the local level.


  • The Timok ClubСърбия, Зайчар