Финансирани проекти

Youth acting united

ID на проекта: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-081
Акроним: YAU
Име на проекта: Youth acting united
Покана: 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2
Приоритет: Приоритетна ос 2
Мярка: 2.3 Проекти „От хора за хората”
Бюджет: 97910.02 €
Съ-финансиране от ЕС: 83223.52 €
Начало на проекта: 01.11.2013
Край на проекта: 01.11.2014
Статус: В процес на изпълнение
Описание: Context of the project is connected with widespread promotion of the common features in the development of sport and its use for prevention of drug addiction and dependency and will motivate the target groups, young people to actively participate in sports activities.Networking between stakeholders and athletes from the target region will build sustainable bridges of communication between people and encourage further development of grassroots sport with traditions in the region. Organization of the Youth Festival for a mass sport in parallel to diffrent cultural initiatives will attract young people to join sports and cultural initiatives to revive the sports ties in this region.The project activities are fully consistent with the strategic and planning documents at local, regional and national level, where sport is identified as a development priority, as well as culture. One of the specific objectives is to promote the development of sport through sports development strategy.The development of active sport is an excellent opportunity for tourism development and support for social and economic development by attracting investors in sports facilities.Shared natural resources (Danube and Timok) and some sports facilities are ideal for organizing national and international competitions in different sports.Through the proposed project activities we will pave the way for establishing a tradition of organizing annual sports and cultural events.The participation of athletes, students and trainers in competitions and trainings on the new rules of the European Federation shows that the project is paying particular attention to the theoretical background for successful participation and organization of mass sports competitions.A wide promotional campaign is included in the project as an important part in motivating beneficiaries and target groups to participate in project activities and to promote the project results and products as the rules of the program are.The project will be implemented in the context of increasing interest in massive sport in Bulgaria and Serbia and to new needs in the field of sport - to promote sport for young athletes achievements and participation of young people in sports.The project will establish links between the participants in project activities, between visitors on the sporting events.The project will offer a successful and sustainable model for sports and cultural cooperation of young people from both sides of the border with opportunity to include Romania on next stages.


  • "EAST WEST" AssociationБългария, Видин