National Association of Organizations for Social Services
Програмата за трансгранично сътрудничество по ИПП България - Сърбия .
16 август 2011
Creating links and networks for institutional, corporate and educational level.
Sustainable development through effective use of regional resources. From people to people.
2.1 Създаване на връзки и мрежи за институционално, фирмено и образователно ниво;, 2.2 Устойчиво развитие чрез ефективно използване на регионалните ресурси2.3 Проекти „От хора за хората”
Consult staff - G. Popov Ltd.
02 931 22 00
Mission NGO
The mission of the National Association is to protect the fundamental principles of organizing and providing social services to help build a modern organization offering social services, which is based on modern management of socialactivity, to raise the qualification to carry out consultations and informationactivity in the various forms of organization of social services.
Objectives of the organization
The association has as its main objective to promote the improvement of social services offered in and outside the community in Bulgaria, in the spirit ofEurope's leading standards and trends such as organizing volunteer managers,specialists and other staff in all social institutions, particularly in such promisingorganizations daily centers, homes and other new forms of provision of socialservices. To represent their economic interests before state and municipalauthorities.